Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 18 – Stargazing

We have been dealing with an infestation of cucumber beetles on the farm. So we have been vacuuming up the pests and squishing them in between our fingers. Well, I didn't get the pleasure of squishing any of them – but Kay is a pro. 

Once the kids arrived we started our plant hike. We split up into a few different groups and the group I was leading decided to do a bit of exploring off the beaten path (we missed a turn). Hah, it ended up being an educational experience though. The day in general was more challenging than I had expected.  It was not a bad day, just maybe not as smooth as some of the others have been.  But of course, it just contributed to the learning experience that this trip has been.  After the hike we also did some weeding and planting with the kids.

For dinner tonight we went over to a new friend's place and made dinner and spent some quality time out on their porch.  It makes me smile to think about all of the new people I have met and been able to share a meal with.

We ended our night by going back to the farm for "Astronomy Night".  This was a night that was planned for all the kids that have attended camp over the past few weeks as well as their families.  It was a couple of hours that they could come enjoy nature after dark with some dessert, hot chocolate, and stargazing.  The Astronomical Unit of Santa Barbara came and set up their massive telescopes so that we could all take a look at Saturn.  We even saw a ring!  But, I mean I've seen it before closer than that.  I actually have a condo on, yea, my middle name is actually Saturn...they actually named the planet after, yea, I actually have 65 moons that orbit me, so I guess that makes me a little bit better than Saturn...


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