Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 11 - Plants, Plants, Plants

 Today started with having a cup of joe with Marty, the director of A Rocha and the kids camp, and I got to pick his brain more on how he got to where he is now.  Getting to know him better has been very inspiring and I hope we can sit down and do it again before I leave.

And then it was "Plant Day" at camp!

"Plant Day" consists of: going on a short hike around the area and using pictures to identify plants, learning that these plants can be used as remedies, food, and shelter, listening to a presentation on the Chumash tribe by a local member, and planting seeds.

I think working with plants with the kids so far is my favorite day.  It really shows how dependent people are on the land and I am re-discovering with the kids the awe of it all.  It is especially interesting to hear about the Chumash way of life and see all of the jewelry, games, food, and baskets that have been made from nature.  Today was also the day that the kids got to meet Farmer Emiko.  They learned more about the operations of the farm and then got to ask questions like, "What's the difference between a zucchini and a cucumber?" =)

Then once they were sent home with 4 biodegradable pots, each with a string bean seed in it, I stayed a few more hours to work on the farm.  The sun came out today (it's been mostly cloudy when we're at camp or on the farm) and so it was especially enjoyable to be weeding.  I mean I wasn't really expecting it, but I kind of love weeding.  So Garden Club back at home better watch out because by the time I get back I will be a weed-o-matic machine!

After a successful day at Five Loaves Farm, Emiko, Kayla and I grabbed a drink and chatted for a bit.  That's when I realized my trip is now half over and I feel once again lucky to be here and surrounded by such welcoming people. 

Dinner time was an eggplant, mushroom, onion blend and with a little marinara on top it really hit the spot.  Oh and we got to use fresh garlic from the farm!  If only I could post a video of Kayla and I dancing in the kitchen, we'd probably get discovered and hit it big.  Hahah.

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